3-Generations in the Same Factory Showroom
Electropedic WH2 Adjustable Bed With Classic Latex Mattress
AVAILABLE SIZES: DESCRIPTION Electropedic WH2 (Wall Hugger 2) Adjustable Bed The Electropedic WH2 Adjustable Bed Story In 1964 Henry Kraus, founder of Electropedic, visited the 1964 World's Fair in the Queens Borough of New York City. Even today from miles around one can still see the twelve (12) story high stainless-steel model of the Earth built for the fair called The Unisphere. The 1964 World's Fair's theme was "Peace Through Understanding," and the fair was dedicated to "Man's Achievement on a Shrinking Globe in an Expanding Universe." The 1964 World's Fair was a spectacular event and one of the fair's most popular exhibits was Michelangelo's Pietà, which had been brought in from St. Peter's Basilica with the permission of Pope John XXIII. Large American companies dominated the exposition as exhibitors, and one of the unique items on display at the fair was an electric adjustable bed. This remarkable new bed allowed one's head and lower legs to be raised up from their flat positions, which not only made the bed more comfortable with any mattress, it also made other activities like reading or watching TV in bed possible with just the simple touch of a button! There were other benefits, as well! By using an adjustable bed people suffering from neck, back, hip or leg pain can move into various positions, allowing a good sleeping posture that causes the least amount of discomfort. This can also be helpful in reducing back pain by shifting much of the weight off the back. After seeing the adjustable bed exhibit at the 1964 World's Fair, Henry Kraus recognized the value and innovation a product like this would provide. Henry Kraus returned to California to open in 1964 the very first Electropedic Beds store manufacturing and selling these new incredible adjustable beds! And now with nearly sixty years of expertise, Electropedic which was started by Henry Kraus in 1964 is still a family owned business run by his two sons, Lloyd and Philip Kraus.
The Electropedic WH2 Is The Zenith Of Adjustable Beds! The Electropedic
WH2 adjustable bed is designed to bring you the ultimate in comfort by adjusting to almost any position you desire, making the one-third of your life you spend in bed much more comfortable and luxurious! You can elevate your back and your legs with the the simple touch of your finger. Whether for health, sleep, watching TV, using your laptop or for pure comfort, Electropedic
WH2 adjustable bed owners would never choose to sleep on anything else! The only problem with an
WH2 adjustable bed is that people don’t want to get out of them in the morning! There are a lot of people who take getting a good night's sleep for granted. When one don’t get a good night’s sleep they simply can't feel good the next day. An Electropedic WH2 adjustable bed gives you the ability to sleep in a contour position, where your whole body weight can be evenly supported. The pressure is taken off your lower back, circulation is increased, and most importantly, you can sleep comfortably all night. |